When talking about the importance of localization, we often overlook the integral people who make it possible.

An In-Country Reviewer, or ICR, offers an elegant solution when it comes to translation and localization. Generally speaking, an ICR will be a native speaker of the target language and a specialist in a given field.

Although technically a simple additional step in the translation process, the value gained by utilizing an ICR is immense. Let us see what and ICR does and how it can benefit your translation projects.

The Localization Aspect

The first thing to understand is that your ICR is not your translator and, therefore, should not be treated as one. Consider them as an extra pair of eyes (a distinctive pair of eyes!) to refine your translations.

Think of your Translation Management System as a team of chefs in a professional kitchen: one works the grill, one makes the sauce, one prepares the sides, and one assembles it all on the plate. Your ICR is that last chef, the one making sure all the elements are right for the people receiving it. Mise en place – everything in its place.

The importance of your company being correctly represented locally in a foreign market is integral to international expansion. You can understand the worth of ICRs by pointing out companies that missed the mark and quite clearly did not utilize one.

Communication is Paramount

With so many moving parts in a translation project, having clear communication between team members is essential. The ability for all team members to communicate within a single project setting is a huge advantage. Translators, Proofreaders, and ICRs all need to know how to interact with the project in the most seamless way possible.

The TextUnited system facilitates this direct communication between all members of a project. The ability to leave comments and remarks will help everyone understand the style of translation sought. Accepting or rejecting a translation is a fundamental part of the translation process. Nevertheless, being able to explain why to guide the translator to an acceptable version increases efficiency drastically.

Communication is Paramount

When an ICR and translator can interact in such a fluid manner, your translation and localization occur simultaneously. Your ICR can check phrasing and stylistic choices, making sure the target language stays representative of the product or service.

It’s worth mentioning that a TMS like TextUnited also retains all your translations through Translation Memory. Combining an ICR in tandem with a feature like Translation Memory makes for a powerful tool. It means future translations for that market will already have a bank of translated and localized terms to draw from.

The Final Word about ICR

Using an ICR in tandem with a robust TMS will increase the quality and speed of your translations. Not to mention localized content will offer substantially more traction in your target market and a strong ROI.