With the most innovative AI backed by thousands of expert linguists, TextUnited AutoTranslate is your trusted solution for scaling international business.
It accelerates the translation process by automatically pre-translating content and flagging weaker translations for post-editing by translators. Harness the power of mix-and-match between human expertise and AI scale to reduce costs, accelerate multilingual content delivery, and drive exponential global growth.
The TextUnited platform seamlessly integrates your in-house translation department, freelance translators, and TextUnited linguists into a unified language powerhouse. Combined with the TextUnited AI Translation Platform, this solution elevates your translation capabilities to meet the demands of a modern enterprise, all at a cost-effective price.
The TextUnited Translation Platform continuously monitors the quality of automated translations in real-time, automatically redirecting subpar translations for human post-editing. These corrections are fed back into the system, refining future automated translations and enhancing overall quality.
The TextUnited Translation Platform is the single source of truth for your multilingual, domain-specific terminology. Integrating automated translations with inputs from expert translators ensures translations are precisely tailored to your company’s needs.
The TextUnited Translation Platform adapts to your unique linguistic preferences, delivering translations that resonate deeply with your target audience and maintain your brand’s voice.
To improve your translated content, set the post-editing thresholds and purchase a human package or create your own post-editing teams. Refine the accepted quality level for your content type and use case to achieve maximum efficiency. Traditional translation proofreading and revision can be slow and costly. With TextUnited, you can direct expert translators’ attention only to the essential segments needing immediate publication improvement.
Utilize human-corrected content to enhance automated translations. AutoTranslate, when enhanced by human-revised translations from the translation memory, further improves automated translations, reducing the need for additional human post-editing.
The more you use the system, the better the automated translations become, allowing for faster publishing with decreasing human interaction.
TextUnited Translation Platform works for you in the background. Integrate AutoTranslate with your content systems for swift, high-quality translations. Use the TextUnited API to support all your content streams and workflows seamlessly.
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