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Tag: languages

European Resuscitation Council 

Customer Spotlight: European Resuscitation Council (ERC)

Witnessing a cardiac arrest: a distressing and pressurised situation in which the average person would probably rather not find themselves.   In such moments, having the knowledge, skills, and confidence to administer CPR or correctly use a defibrillator can mean…

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Beautiful Buiding of Germany

4 things to consider before entering the German Market

    Back in December, German waltzed into 5th in our review of the top 10 languages to translate and localize. After the UK unceremoniously crashed out of the EU, Germany became the largest e-commerce market in Europe. With the…

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Textunited Cosa - Supply Chain Transparency

Customer Spotlight: COSA – Supply Chain Transparency

  Of the many flaws inherent in modern agriculture, there’s reason to consider this as the most devastating: 2/3rds of the world’s poorest people are farmers in developing countries. These farmers, most of whom earn their living from a plot…

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A Man Reading Book

How To Avoid Cultural Mistakes in Localization

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that bad translation can cause big problems in business. We’ve all heard about companies learning this the hard way with infamous translation fails. So how do you avoid these pitfalls? The answer is good…

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Beautiful Photo of Eiffel Tower

4 things to consider before entering the French Market

    Last week, we took a look at the EU powerhouse of Germany and 4 considerations before entering the market there. This week, we’ve decided to apply the same considerations to the new EU second in command to Germany…

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European and Latin America Flags

European vs Latin America Spanish Translation

According to Ethnologue, Spanish is currently the 4th largest or most spoken language in the world. It’s hardly surprising, then, that we included it in our Top 10 Languages for Localization back in 2020. With Spanish being so widely spoken…

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Unique Buildings in Span

Translating Content From English to Spanish

  Best Practices: Translating English to Spanish Before getting into the topic of English to Spanish translation, did you know that online customers are more comfortable purchasing in their native language? With 40% unwilling to purchase in a different language.…

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Holy Quran Inside Arabic Language Text

Right-To-Left Languages in Localization

  As a native Hebrew speaker, I thought it would be fun to write an article about right-to-left languages. Before I jump straight into the topic, let me share with you a memory I have from living in California. I…

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Number 10 Gold Balloons

The 10 Top Languages for Localization

  With roughly 7.8 billion inhabitants on Earth, the internet has drastically increased our ability to reach new audiences, even when we are not sharing a language. The world is a big place, but thanks to the efforts of translation,…

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