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Tag: Internationalization

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Multilingual Customer Support: 5 Tips to Speak your Customers’ Language

  There exists in the world of global customer support just two deadly sins: conjecture and sloth.   Too many companies are all-too-proficient in the art of making incorrect assumptions about what kind of support their customers want, where they…

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Why Invest in Multilingual Customer Experience (MCX)?

  If you’ve been keeping up with any of our recent blogs, you’ll know that invest in Multilingual Customer Experience (MCX) is rapidly becoming the top priority for brands.    Operating in international markets, however, means adding another dimension to…

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A Black Mike

VoC: Leveraging the Voice of Customer

"There is a paradox in hotel marketing, where hoteliers rely a lot on images to "let them speak for themselves". In an industry where everything revolves around people, hotel marketing focuses on product pictures. People are longing for connection and even more…

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A Man With Speaker Graphic Photo

Voice of Customer: Accountability in Value Chains

Voice of Customer (VoC): a term anyone who’s undertaken market research will be familiar with.    The process – sending out surveys, gathering the received data and prioritising its conclusions – might seem like a pretty abstract one. It certainly…

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Heart and Brain on a Scale With a Balancer Generative

The Role of Emotion in Multilingual Customer Experience

“You are either ok or you are not ok. Whether it is a positive or negative emotion, it's either active or passive. If it's passive, that means I might not like you much, but I don't care enough to change…

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Three Children Drawing on Floor

The Art of Storytelling

Now more than ever, brands are becoming increasingly aware of the need to create and sustain authentic connections with consumers. While facts, data and stats can demonstrate your credibility in a given market, this is only half the battle. Developing…

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Young Woman Holding Nude Beige Leather Wallet

Localizing Payment Methods – BNPL in the Global Market

If you’ve decided to go global with your business, you’ll already know that good localization is the key to success in any international market. This involves much more than just making sure your translations are up to scratch. The most…

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A Man Reading Book

How To Avoid Cultural Mistakes in Localization

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that bad translation can cause big problems in business. We’ve all heard about companies learning this the hard way with infamous translation fails. So how do you avoid these pitfalls? The answer is good…

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Internationalization Vs. Globalization Graphs

Internationalization vs. Globalization

  “The term ‘glocalization’ is in fairly wide use today. In the sense of ‘think globally, act locally’” - Roger Caves, Encyclopedia of the City   After previously looking at the key differences between translation and localization, we showed that…

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