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European Resuscitation Council 

Customer Spotlight: European Resuscitation Council (ERC)

Witnessing a cardiac arrest: a distressing and pressurised situation in which the average person would probably rather not find themselves.   In such moments, having the knowledge, skills, and confidence to administer CPR or correctly use a defibrillator can mean…

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A Black Mike

VoC: Leveraging the Voice of Customer

"There is a paradox in hotel marketing, where hoteliers rely a lot on images to "let them speak for themselves". In an industry where everything revolves around people, hotel marketing focuses on product pictures. People are longing for connection and even more…

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Textunited Cosa - Supply Chain Transparency

Customer Spotlight: COSA – Supply Chain Transparency

  Of the many flaws inherent in modern agriculture, there’s reason to consider this as the most devastating: 2/3rds of the world’s poorest people are farmers in developing countries. These farmers, most of whom earn their living from a plot…

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Heart and Brain on a Scale With a Balancer Generative

The Role of Emotion in Multilingual Customer Experience

“You are either ok or you are not ok. Whether it is a positive or negative emotion, it's either active or passive. If it's passive, that means I might not like you much, but I don't care enough to change…

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Three Children Drawing on Floor

The Art of Storytelling

Now more than ever, brands are becoming increasingly aware of the need to create and sustain authentic connections with consumers. While facts, data and stats can demonstrate your credibility in a given market, this is only half the battle. Developing…

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Young Woman Holding Nude Beige Leather Wallet

Localizing Payment Methods – BNPL in the Global Market

If you’ve decided to go global with your business, you’ll already know that good localization is the key to success in any international market. This involves much more than just making sure your translations are up to scratch. The most…

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Amazed Brunette Staring at You

What is a Localization Style Guide?

Think you’ve got your translation workflow sorted? If you haven’t created a localization style guide yet, think again! Simply put, this is a unique set of guidelines for translators to follow when working with any of your content. While coming…

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A Man Reading Book

How To Avoid Cultural Mistakes in Localization

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that bad translation can cause big problems in business. We’ve all heard about companies learning this the hard way with infamous translation fails. So how do you avoid these pitfalls? The answer is good…

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Business-team Thinking About New Ideas

How to Optimize Translation Workflow

Here at TextUnited, we understand that translation projects can become complex, costly and time-consuming. As well as this, cluttered and unclear procedures can cause huge amounts of undue stress! With that in mind, we’re taking it back to basics with…

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