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Tag: CRM

Multilingual Customer Support 

How To Provide Multilingual Customer Support (in 2021)

It’s all very well investing in top-tier marketing campaigns to attract new customers; but what about the ones you’ve already got?    Aside from the fact that customer acquisition is getting increasingly expensive, your existing customers are more likely to…

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Small Blue Flags

Multilingual Customer Support: 5 Tips to Speak your Customers’ Language

  There exists in the world of global customer support just two deadly sins: conjecture and sloth.   Too many companies are all-too-proficient in the art of making incorrect assumptions about what kind of support their customers want, where they…

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Mony Transfer Icon

Why Invest in Multilingual Customer Experience (MCX)?

  If you’ve been keeping up with any of our recent blogs, you’ll know that invest in Multilingual Customer Experience (MCX) is rapidly becoming the top priority for brands.    Operating in international markets, however, means adding another dimension to…

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AI in customer service

AI in Customer Service – The Hidden World Beyond Chatbots

  Think about the last interaction you had with a company. Was it with a live agent? Was it a chatbot? Perhaps it was a human-AI hybrid that you weren’t even aware of.   Artificial Intelligence is becoming more skilled…

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