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Category: Technology

Key Considerations for Translation Software

Choosing the Best Professional Translation Software -  Key Considerations to Keep in Mind  What is translation software?    Translation software is a specialized application that facilitates text conversion from one language to another. It encompasses various components such as machine translation…

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translation memory

Translation Memory – what is it?

A Translation Memory (TM) is a term describing a database with multi-language content. Why is such a database becoming a key enterprise asset, and should you pay attention to it? There are several answers, dating from the old-school translation practice.…

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fast translation setvice

What Enabled Us To Create The Fastest Translation Service?

TextUnited launched  Fast Translation (codename TUFT) - the fastest translation service available online, at the most affordable price. But how are our services the fastest? What does the fastest even mean in the world of translation? And how did we make it happen?…

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translation memory management

A Short Introduction to Translation Memory

What is Translation Memory and why is it important? Translation Memory is a database that continually captures translations as translators work on translation projects. Enterprise Translation Management Systems, such as TextUnited, can reuse existing translations, directly eliminating the need for…

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Strategic Mobile App Integration

How Do I Make My WordPress Site Multilingual?

Used by 41.4% of the top 10 million websites worldwide, WordPress dominates the realm of Content Management Systems. Simple to operate, open-source, and free, the system is highly adaptive, giving users the power to put SEO first. Imagine being able…

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Businesswoman Talking on Phone

How to Build a Multilingual Website: 4 Steps to Making Global Sales

  There are times when English just won’t cut it. 4 out of 5 times, actually, according to Babbel. Just as you can’t expect the locals of Skopelos, Madeira or Aberdeen to converse with you in fluent English, you also…

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Multilingual Customer Support 

How To Provide Multilingual Customer Support (in 2021)

It’s all very well investing in top-tier marketing campaigns to attract new customers; but what about the ones you’ve already got?    Aside from the fact that customer acquisition is getting increasingly expensive, your existing customers are more likely to…

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AI in customer service

AI in Customer Service – The Hidden World Beyond Chatbots

  Think about the last interaction you had with a company. Was it with a live agent? Was it a chatbot? Perhaps it was a human-AI hybrid that you weren’t even aware of.   Artificial Intelligence is becoming more skilled…

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European Resuscitation Council 

Customer Spotlight: European Resuscitation Council (ERC)

Witnessing a cardiac arrest: a distressing and pressurised situation in which the average person would probably rather not find themselves.   In such moments, having the knowledge, skills, and confidence to administer CPR or correctly use a defibrillator can mean…

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