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Don’t Let Your Terminology Get Lost in Translation.

Many businesses overlook localization and terminology management. Yet, these are crucial for delivering a consistent brand voice and delivering delightful customer experiences across multiple languages.
TextUnited Platform empowers you to harness your existing content to create high-value language assets at scale, offering engaging multilingual content experiences through its Language Translation Services.

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Don’t Let Your Terminology Get Lost in Translation.
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Why do businesses invest in terminology management & language data?

Translation Software
High quality terminology & consistent brand voice enable businesses to:
  • Enhance content quality, leading to higher customer satisfaction
  • Foster stronger relationships and business growth
TextUnited Platform automatically transforms your content into valuable language assets. It extracts terminology from your website and documents, converting it into glossaries and translation memories.
Use these assets to fuel TextUnited AI, helping you create winning customer content while improving translation efficiency.
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Key features of TextUnited AI & Terminology Management

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Automated terminology extraction
  • Automatically extracts terminology from websites and documents to build high-quality glossaries.
  • The terminology system helps manage glossaries and resolve conflicting terms

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Terminology management & curation
  • Organize and share your terminology with translators.
  • Team capabilities streamline terminology approval by stakeholders.

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Creation of Translation Memory
  • Use automated alignment tools to build high-quality translation memories (TMs) from past translations.
  • Ensure consistency and reduce translation time.

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Live translation memory
  • Keeps track of every translation and reuses it to translate new or updated content.
  • Trains Neural Machine Translation (NMT) engines and large language models to speed up translations and cut costs.
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Centralized language assets
  • Manage all language assets in one place, whether for a brand, product, or project.
  • Centralized terminology management facilitates sign-offs from key stakeholders.
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Translation AI engine
  • Built-in Neural Machine Translation and Large Language Models, supporting leading engines like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, OpenAI, and more.
  • Models are automatically customized and trained to fit your use case and workflow.

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Start leveraging power of your language data

Looking to take advantage of your high quality language data to improve the quality & ROI of your content ? Give TextUnited terminology & language data capabilities a try. Start your onboarding process by typing in your website address or uploading your documents and let TextUnited Platform do the rest of the work for you.

Start onboarding now

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Top Brands Choose TextUnited for Excellence in Localization

Companies worldwide, big and small, are using our platform to optimize localization processes, reduce translation costs, and achieve international growth

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Frequently Asked Questions

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What is a Translation Memory and why it matters?

A Translation Memory (TM) acts like a smart library for your translations. As translators work on your projects with TextUnited, the TM automatically captures previously translated phrases and sentences. This reusable resource saves you time and money on future projects by ensuring faster turnarounds, improved consistency in terminology across your content, and reduced costs from not having to re- translate the same material. TextUnited's TM is automatically created and maintained, making it a seamless tool for high-quality translations.

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Why is Terminology Important in Specialized Translations?

Precise terminology is key to specialized translations. It ensures clear and accurate meaning for your international audience, while maintaining consistent brand voice across languages. This translates to a stronger brand image, efficient translation processes,

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What is terminology in translation?

Terminology in translation refers to the specialized vocabulary used in a particular field. Translators rely on defined terminology lists to ensure the accurate and consistent translation of these terms across languages. This helps maintain clear communication and a consistent brand voice for your global audience. TextUnited Platform helps manage terminology through a suite of terminology tools that help create and maintain high quality glossaries.

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