Regardless of your knowledge of machine translation, machine learning and natural language processing, we created an easy path for you to deploy such technologies without a steep learning curve.
TextUnited automatically recognizes terminology in your content and creates glossaries for each project. Translators and your team enrich the dictionaries and approve terms on the fly while translating. Agreed terms are fed into machine translation engines to improve outcomes.
All human translations are stored in the translation memory. TextUnited then retrains your custom engine periodically with this newly-translated content, creating a reuse and training process that works continuously.
TextUnited connects you with the best machine translation vendors for given language combinations and your domain. In special cases, you can also use the private machine translation engine, fully customized by TextUnited.
Find out more about TextUnited’s unique capabilities from review.
We allow you to connect to your preferred technology from within our system. The default machine translation we use is Google Translate API from the Google Cloud Platform. Still, we also give you options of using other machine translation engines such as DeepL (your key), Microsoft Translator or others. For premium accounts, we can provide our private TextUnited NMT engine.
TextUnited uses neural machine translation engines, and we give you the option to select the best MT vendor for your language needs and complexity of project. This can all be done in our system and you can connect directly, giving you the power to pick and choose.
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