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Category: website translation

Boost Your Website Rankings with Multilingual SEO

Does your business want to build a strong online presence and succeed globally? One important way to do this is through Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO means making your website more appealing to search engines like Google. This helps improve…

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Become a Computer Programmer

The Handbook for Marketing Localization

Marketing localization is the bridge that connects brands with international audiences genuinely and effectively. In an interconnected global economy, reaching audiences in their native tongue and cultural context isn't just thoughtful; it's essential. By customizing communication to cater to each…

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Website Translation without Coding

Diving into Website Translation Platform: Your Key to Going Global Online

Website translation platforms play a crucial role for businesses navigating through the vast digital world where their messages break through international boundaries, and it's vital to communicate effectively with a worldwide audience.  But how does one select the perfect platform…

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Website Translation without Coding

Website Localization Tools – How to Choose the Best One

Essential factors for choosing the best website localization tool When customers visit a not-localized website, it is akin to walking into a store where no one speaks their language – frustrating and isolating. Navigating through pages becomes a puzzle, filled…

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A Magnetic Compass in Hand

When is free website translation not good enough? 

In the age of globalization and the internet, the need for website translation has evolved from being a luxury to an absolute necessity. As we navigate through an increasingly interconnected world, the capability to communicate in multiple languages has become…

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Website Translation without Coding

Getting Started with Website Localization

Website Localization: Key Factors and Steps to Follow At its essence, website localization unveils a meticulous process that elevates and enhances web content through the lenses of culture, language, and seamless flow, thereby bestowing upon users a profoundly beneficial and…

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Line Break in Translation

Line Breaks Matter in Translation

There are times when even the smallest details can make or break a localization project. In translation, line breaks, paragraphs, and headings can be just as problematic as word and phrase spacing. The issue with line breaks and drag-and-drop CMSs…

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A Symbol of Translate

How to Get Started With In-Context Website Translation?

What is in-context website translation and what are its benefits? If you’ve found yourself asking these questions and ended up here, then you’re in the right place. Context is highly beneficial in most aspects of life, and the translation is…

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Old Model Weighing Scale Isolated

5 Myths About Website Translation

  Myths about website translation are a real hindrance and keep good businesses from approaching international markets well within their capacity. Cost and complexity are just two of the often-cited reasons that companies choose not to actively pursue translation and…

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